a report showing attachments due each month and payment details. at the minute you need to know and search for each person individually. If you have several number of employees with these deductions i becomes easy to miss.
Hey- thanks for bringing this to our attention! We are currently considering this for development and we will keep you updated on the timeframe for this.
Other payroll software we used added the AOE payment to the generated BACS report - Staffology doesn't do this. I find it time consuming (weekly payrolls) to have to lift the AOE payments(s) out as a separate task. Any chance the BACS report could include AOE's please?
Currently you can only access an attachment of earnings report on an employee by employee basis. It would be useful to be able to run a report to see: Active Attachments by Employee Attachment deductions for a pay run. This will make it easy to id...
AEO Reporting of payments to be made weekly or monthly
In reports section the ability to track and monitor payments due and payments made on monthly/weekly basis and the ability to make payment in telleroo through payment journals as per pension etc.
Hey- thanks for bringing this to our attention! We are currently considering this for development and we will keep you updated on the timeframe for this.
Other payroll software we used added the AOE payment to the generated BACS report - Staffology doesn't do this. I find it time consuming (weekly payrolls) to have to lift the AOE payments(s) out as a separate task. Any chance the BACS report could include AOE's please?