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Ability move employees between Payrolls easily.

we have few clients with more than one payroll I.e. they are group of companies with separate paye scheme but come under one group. They often move employees from one payroll to other. We would like to copy employee from employee to another payrol...
Yoshita Desai over 1 year ago in  1 Future consideration

Metro Bank - bank file template

Bank file export template for payroll with MetroBank: Layout of the Staffology payments export file be as per this Metrobank file (attached) I.E. Bank Sort code | Employee Name | Bank Account Number | £Amount | Refefence e.g. Month 9
Guest about 2 years ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

Email and password protect payslips by individual

We have the requirement to be able to download individual payslips for emailing to employees separately. While payslips can be downloaded individually, there is no function to password protect them before saving. This was a feature on previous Iri...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Reports to have date filters

You should be able to run reports between 2 dates
Sarah Carter over 3 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Reporting YTD balances

Reporting options are limited, especially for YTD reports such as pensions. To capture these details multiple reports are having to be run for multiple periods just to get YTD figures. There should be functionality to run such reports for a single...
Guest over 3 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Pension Report Standard Life

The pensions contributions report for Standard Life is incorrect. The annual pensionable earnings figures are incorrect. It appears to be being based on monthly pay which may have been reduced by sick pay etc
Guest about 1 year ago in Pensions 0 Pending Review

To include a pay element based on calculation of hourly rate of pay or daily rate of pay already in the employees record

I want to pay accrued holiday when an employee leaves but I have to add both the number of days and then go back to check the daily rate and add that manually. Can the rate (either daily or hourly) be a tick option and then flow through to the pay...
Guest 8 months ago in Payrun 1 Already exists

Add Ability to set the payment time for a BACS run in Staffology.

We have a client who wants to pay at 00.01 on pay day, and at the monent the API from staffology to Telleroo sends a time of 04.00, which means we have to manually intervene each month on Telleroo. Can you add the ability to set a payment time in ...
Tanya Birnie over 1 year ago in API Direct 0 Future consideration

Sending reports to one email address at a time

Add the function to send reports to more than one email address at a time, as often payrolls have a few individuals who review and it is easier to keep it all together.
Guest over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

API to be chosen at client level or user level

it would be great when generating an API key, to either choose that key at employer level OR user level. The user level option is creating some challenges at the moment when dealing with mutiple clients using the same user.
Guest over 1 year ago in API Direct 1 Will not implement