Total contribution figure to be included on Pension Summary
On the pension summary report there is a total at the end of each column for Er's & Ee's contributions. However, it would be very useful if there was an overall total of these figures added together on the report
Rachel Radford
3 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Create ability to zero out all figures in a specific pay code
For example if the incorrect bonus figures have been entered it would be useful to be able to quickly make all figures within the bonus pay code 0 to then enter the correct figures. Rather than having to go through each payslip individually or res...
about 2 months ago
in MIscellaneous
Future consideration
Add month number to HMRC reference for export to Telleroo
When the HMRC payment is exported to Telleroo it uses the Accounts Office Reference as the payment reference. This is causing problems with HMRC allocating payments as they expect the AOR followed by the last 2 digits of the tax year followed by t...
When processing a PAL, Staffology was processing the BIK Elements also - is there a way that when you process PAL you can ensure BIK payments are not processed - When an employee is made a leaver BIK elements should stop
Stacey Hendry
16 days ago
in Employee Setup
Future consideration
Separate automation settings for each pay frequency
We have clients with several different frequencies under one PAYE ref and it would be good to have different automation settings for each of these. For example finalise one frequency on pay day and another 6 days before.
Emily Libby
3 months ago
in Bureau
Future consideration
Pay codes must be blocked from being deleted if there are any values against them.
The system must block the deletion of any pay codes that have a value against them. Amongst other things, this causes the journal to be out of balance.
Lisa Ramos
26 days ago
in Settings
Future consideration