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Documents added to SMP record

It would be useful to be able to upload more than one document to an SMP leave record, as often the MATB1 certificates are sent as 2 documents, and we may have other supporting information from clients
Sarah Crace 7 months ago in Other 1 Acknowledged

Show period/ Dates(for part month) back pay relates to

For full transparency, we would like to be able to display a period/ date span of when backpay relates to. This will include when pay lines are summarised. This will have several benefits including: - Clarity for employees which will in turn, redu...
shaun Dellar 4 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Backup Facility

A backup facility as we had in paye-master is in my mind essential. I see that this has been raised before and flagged as 'will not be implemented' but let me try and explain why it is essential. For example: we have recently transferred our data ...
Guest 4 months ago in Payrun 1 Acknowledged


When running a weekly and monthly payroll, the final week gets lumped together with the monthly. The number of payslips is confusing so I would like these 2 entries to be separate please
SONIA MOGFORD-ABBOTT 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Citibank payment file

Please create a Citibank file template to be included in the Bank payment format list.
Georgie Doble over 1 year ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Change the login order where I have more than 1 company set up

I have 2 companies that I use Staffology for. The main company was set up second and therefore I always have to switch to this company when I log in. Also if i log in on my phione whilst on the move I cannot switch to the second company at all
Guest about 1 year ago in Employer Setup 0 Future consideration

Leavers before the 6th of the month

It would be good to have the ability to make leavers up to the 5th of the following month, as per HMRC calendars
Tina Coggon 5 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Year to Date Reports for Payun Auto Email template

It would be great if we could select more reports to be added to the Payroll Auto Email template, to include reports with Year to Date figures. Please could you expand the options of which reports can be attached?
S Mackin 4 months ago in Automation 0 Future consideration

Incorporate Bradford points for sickness into payroll system

For those of us who don't use Staffology HR systems, we need a way to track Bradford points for staff members who have been off sick. The current calendar system is useful to a point but limited when it comes to a comprehensive report.
Cathryn Moore 4 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Bulk Delete - Pay Element Amounts from Payrun.

Deleting amounts for employees in Pay run for Specific – Pay Element. We currently delete the amounts manually from each employee from pay run, it would be time-consuming when we have a huge list of employees. It would be much easier, if we can ha...
Sravanth Chinni over 1 year ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration