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Report leavers to NEST

New starters and contributions are imported to NEST from Staffology but leavers do not get imported when other software providers can handle this.
Guest 25 days ago in Pensions 0 New

Display a notice when HMRC notices are available

It will be very helpful if we could see a notification in the pay run screen when HMRC notices are available and haven't yet been applied
Guest 2 months ago in Payrun 0 New

FPS Report

Full Payment Submission Report showing more details. FPS Summary where you have in one place number of Current Paid Employees, Number of Leavers, New Starters and unpaid Employees who were included in the current week Full Payment Submission.
Guest 6 days ago in RTI & Notices 0 New

Have a pension report that shows all pensions providers

We have a some clients that has multiple pension providers, it would be nicer to have 1 report will all the providers on and have it split per provider rather then running a report for each provider
Emily Manley 21 days ago in Reports 0 New

SChedule for automated emails

At times such as annual leave or Christmas, when we are incredibly busy, and some businesses, have a short month due to office closure, it would be helpful if we could run our payrolls early, but schedule the emails to go at a later date. Particul...
Andrea Squires 22 days ago in Automation 0 New

Backup Facility

A backup facility as we had in paye-master is in my mind essential. I see that this has been raised before and flagged as 'will not be implemented' but let me try and explain why it is essential. For example: we have recently transferred our data ...
Guest 12 days ago in Payrun 0 New

Year to Date Balances Report

When we generate the Year to date balances report not all employees with YTD show on this report so we cannot balance back YTD figures after period processed. Year to date balance report should include all employees, why are some leavers etc missi...
Stacey Hendry 21 days ago in Reports 0 New

PAYEE Payment Date Option

Is there anyway to change PAYEE date to be the following month? For example if payment date if 15th of month, the PAYEE Date should be 19th of following month but when you select 19th payment date it automatically makes the date the 19th of the sa...
Stacey Hendry 4 days ago in Employer Setup 0 New


SSP YTD cannot be entered prior to opening a payrun, each time we update YTD it drops off after pay run - How can this be resolved?
Stacey Hendry 14 days ago in Payrun 0 New

Year to Date Reports for Payun Auto Email template

It would be great if we could select more reports to be added to the Payroll Auto Email template, to include reports with Year to Date figures. Please could you expand the options of which reports can be attached?
S Mackin 15 days ago in Automation 0 New