When using a day based holiday leave setting at company level, it would be useful if the software would adjust the entitlement remaining from the annual default to the pro-rata value relevant to the new starter based on their join date. Current pr...
Jennefer Willmore
5 months ago
in Other
Future consideration
The Auto Pilot Pay run Automation is a great setting for no change payrolls that we operate within the bureau however the scheduling options are in days rather than working days which is really unusual and means that every month we would need to a...
Jennefer Willmore
6 months ago
in Automation
Future consideration
We have multiple clients who operate both weekly and monthly frequencies and due to the fact defaults are set at company level there is a large amount of manual work for one of the frequencies and functionality that can't be used. The top three ar...
Jennefer Willmore
6 months ago
in Settings
Future consideration
Search Employees Field (Two Character Names/Two Character Payroll Codes)
The search employee field does not function with only two characters. This means that we cannot use this function for any two character names (Wu, To, Yi etc) or any employee payroll codes less than 100.
Jennefer Willmore
6 months ago
in Other
Future consideration
Make cost split between departments work on journal imports
It is not currently possible to automate the journal posting process to software whilst also splitting pay codes by department. It would be helpful if this was possible so the journal posting process could be fully automated for larger clients onc...
Chris Holland-Skinner
6 months ago
in Automation
Future consideration
Could there be an option for the auto generated emailed reports to be one zipped password protected folder rather than individual password protected documents? Our clients are a little annoyed at having to put the password in multiple times!
Emily Libby
8 months ago
in Automation
Future consideration
It would be useful to be able to upload more than one document to an SMP leave record, as often the MATB1 certificates are sent as 2 documents, and we may have other supporting information from clients
Year to Date Reports for Payun Auto Email template
It would be great if we could select more reports to be added to the Payroll Auto Email template, to include reports with Year to Date figures. Please could you expand the options of which reports can be attached?
S Mackin
4 months ago
in Automation
Future consideration