The current process for date effective of adding a BASIC pay code to the Additions/ Deductions screen, results in Hourly and Daily rates not being held on the Pay Screen. To be truly date effective, the date needs to be held with the annual salary...
Matthew Gillett
11 months ago
in Employee Setup
For large clients, we use the import function to update employee records as it can be very time-consuming to do this manually and opens up the risk of error. Currently there is availability to remove data in bulk and this feature would be very use...
4 months ago
in Employee Setup
Future consideration
Good afternoon Just wanted to share a little bug bear with you. Moving with ease through the employees. I’ve thought about this for a while now however since you have changed the banking settings (?) we have had to go through all individuals one b...
almost 3 years ago
in Employee Setup
Future consideration
When processing a PAL, Staffology was processing the BIK Elements also - is there a way that when you process PAL you can ensure BIK payments are not processed - When an employee is made a leaver BIK elements should stop
Stacey Hendry
2 months ago
in Employee Setup
Future consideration
In EARNIE, beside the employees' start date there was also the length of service (in years). This was useful in that you knew at a glance and didn't have to work it out everytime for every individual employee. Would also be useful if this could be...
Claire O'Connor
about 1 year ago
in Employee Setup
Future consideration
It would be useful to see all documents & communications sent to an employee in their card (with attachements) and the ability to resend, reupload to MEPW etc. If this could then be filtered by type - payslip, pension, P45 etc.
Luke Hayes
5 months ago
in Employee Setup
Future consideration