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Worker groups: separate criteria for employer and employee contributions

Our pension scheme applies standard AE thresholds and contributions to the employee but the employer contribution is a non-standard % of the gross, with no upper earnings limit. Staffology cannot accommodate this.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Pension Payments - Auto Enrolment

Currently Staffology pays an employees first months contributions across to the pension provider even though the funds are not invested until the following month. This is to allow employees the opportunity to opt out and easily have their refund p...
Guest about 1 year ago in Pensions 1 Will not implement

Pensions - employees in the statutory % scheme who also make salary sacrifices.

It is frustrating that Staffology doesn't 'talk' to the The People's Partnership regarding employees who make additional contributions to their pensions. We have employees who make contributions from their net pay (employee 4%, employer 3%, 1% tax...
HAYLEY JACOBS over 1 year ago in Pensions 1 Future consideration

Pension payments are an allowable deduction for NMW workers

system incorrectly flags NMW workers as earning below NMW when they have a pension contribution. This is incorrect as pension contributions are an allowable deduction.
Guest over 1 year ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

NHS Pensions

It would be helpful to have an add on /premium paid feature to incorporate the NHS pension scheme as an option. Prebuilt in bandings and auto review based on revised annualised pensionable earnings each month would be required with potential chang...
Katie Dilloway over 1 year ago in Pensions 1 Future consideration

Postponement Date in PAPDIS File

Please can the postponemenmt date be included in column AF of the PAPDIS file? At the moment employees who are deferred are showing on the file but without a deferred date which causes issues with the pension provider.
Guest over 3 years ago in Pensions 0 Will not implement