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Rounding up on Staffology when it's 0.0125 - please correct

Can check why 0.0125 is rounded up to 0.02 on Staffology instead of 0.01 please? Thank you!
Guest 9 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Aviva Pension Joiners

It would be helpful to have a report for new joiners as you don't have an API for Aviva
Cliff Fountain 6 months ago in Pensions 1 Already exists

Nil pension contribution from employee

We require to be able to have zero in the contributions by employee and just a fixed amount in the employer contributions (for Directors) however, if you have any at nil then they won't appear on the Scottish Widows CSV format (Workplace) this is ...
Diane Shaw 8 months ago in Pensions 1 Acknowledged

AVC-only pension not appearing on month end checklist

We have several employees in a second pension scheme (Prudential) which is AVC only. This requires a payment to be made at the end of the month in the same way as the other pension schemes we operate, but it doesn't appear on the month end checkli...
Ben Fletcher 8 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Pension Holiday

We have been asked by some clients for payroll to be able to process pension holidays, si this functioanlity which could be added?
Guest about 2 years ago in Pensions 2 Will not implement

Pension Integration

Can an option be added to allow the PAPDIS file to be automatically submitted slighly later than when payroll is closed? At the moment to do this payroll would need to be re-opened and closed, but thats not ideal. If the PAPDIS file could be submi...
Guest over 3 years ago in Pensions 3 Future consideration

Support for Options Pension

Some of our employers are enrolled with Options Pension for their pensions - Can they be added to Staffology either as a "Connected Services" option or pension file export?
Richard Williams almost 2 years ago in Pensions 3 Future consideration

PensionSync - will Staffology connect to PensionSync as in the case for IPP

No description provided
Nicholas Law 10 months ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration

Pension contributions calculated in the background need to be consistent with IPP

Pension contributions are being calculated on Staffology based on the data migrated from IPP software however there are rounding differences - we have noticed when running payrolls parallel on each system, that the pension contributions [employee ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Pensions 2 Will not implement

Pension Connection

Connection to Aviva Ltd Pensions
Guest over 3 years ago in Pensions 0 Future consideration