Pension Earnings Period should be based on the pay schedule, not the pay date
If a payroll is processed in arrears, for example pay date 1st December for pay period previous calendar month, then the earnigns period for pension should be 1st to 30th Nov, not 1st -31st December. Please can this be amended?
Emily Libby
3 months ago
in Pensions
Will not implement
We are finding it a big problem that when we Finalise Payslips so that we can initially send the documents to the client for approval, that the pension file automatically sends to NEST and SMART. This has caused us some problems particularly where...
Denise Menashy
6 months ago
in Pensions
Future consideration
The pension letter template does not sync to MEPW, so the edit template function in Staffology does not do anything. Please could this be addresses ASAP. The template used by MEPW is very outdated and refers to how contributions will be increased ...
Emily Libby
4 months ago
in Pensions
Future consideration
Staffology can treat the NEST pension payment schedule as automatically approved for payment, which saves logging on to NEST but you can't define the payment date so NEST start to immediately process the direct debit. I want the NEST direct debit ...
Simon Young
4 months ago
in Pensions
Future consideration
From the employee screen there is no way to see the historical pension contributions which would be really helpful. Instead you have to go out of the employee record and run a report.
28 days ago
in Pensions
Future consideration
When running an employee export, it does not advise of ceased memberships (only active pensions and opt-outs) which means that you need to overlay other exports to get a full picture. Would be very useful if ceased memberships exported also as whe...
Jennefer Willmore
4 months ago
in Pensions
Future consideration
To be able to enter a postponement date for employees. When migrating from other software you can't enter postponement dates and therefore to work around you have to change the company settings which isn't ideal as you then have to change it back....
Pension refunds relating to week 52 or the last week in the tax year cannot be refunded in the new tax year, can payroll be amended to allow cross year refunds?
So many pension providers only show a grand total for the pension upload. It would be really useful if the pension report and/or contribution screen in Staffology showed a total as well as the employee/employer split.
Simon L
9 months ago
in Pensions
Future consideration
Ability to delete a pension record in bulk for all employees would be helpful while reimporting pension data so that it won't lead to any duplication of pension records Also ability to import pension YTDs after payroll has been open - You can only...