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SSP YTD cannot be entered prior to opening a payrun, each time we update YTD it drops off after pay run - How can this be resolved?
Stacey Hendry 4 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Breakdown of BIKs

There is no report that provides a breakdown by employee of individual Benefits in Kind. The only report close appears to be Payruns/Payroll analysis/CSV by employee breadown but this totals the employee BIK.
Guest 8 months ago in Payrun 1 Acknowledged

department gross to net individual totals per department. At the moment you have to view each department separately and write down the totals, add them together manually to agree the the only all departments figure provided by staffology

It saves a great deal of paper workings when all the information is available but in no useful state on staffology
Guest 10 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Diary or Alert function is needed on each payroll

IPP currently has a diary function which has the option to active alert on certain payrolls and certain employees. This function is very useful when you are running a payroll with numerous employees and need to set a reminder for the next payrun. ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Deductions Tracking

Deductions can be added over X period of weeks/months, however what if a worker doesn't work one week? We wouldn't take them into negative, we would just push the payment out and have the payment timeframe extended by a week, or we would double up...
Rebecca Whitehouse 6 months ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

Average Holiday Pay for new starters

When a new starter needs to be paid but doesn't have the required historical data, it would be useful for the software to pay it at the hourly rate. Currently it pays at zero. As new starters are able to take holiday from day 1, this would seem li...
Guest 3 months ago in Payrun 2 Future consideration

Ability to import Loans

Loans can only be set up manually with balance amounts - We would like to be able to import this data / figures to avoid manual work
Stacey Hendry 4 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Ability to delete a processing note

If a processing note has been added in error, the author of that processing note should be able to delete it. Currently it cannot be edited or deleted once added.
Jennefer Willmore 10 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Backup Facility

A backup facility as we had in paye-master is in my mind essential. I see that this has been raised before and flagged as 'will not be implemented' but let me try and explain why it is essential. For example: we have recently transferred our data ...
Guest 4 months ago in Payrun 1 Acknowledged

Bulk Delete - Pay Element Amounts from Payrun.

Deleting amounts for employees in Pay run for Specific – Pay Element. We currently delete the amounts manually from each employee from pay run, it would be time-consuming when we have a huge list of employees. It would be much easier, if we can ha...
Sravanth Chinni over 1 year ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration