Having the ability to search for a tax code based on the employee's start date would be highly beneficial. This feature would allow us to track the specific tax code that was assigned to the employee at the time they joined, ensuring accuracy when...
Shruthika Todupunuri
2 days ago
in RTI & Notices
We have noticed while submitting the EPS through the RTI screen the AP Levy does not auto fill the YTD figures or provide a load YTD figures in the same way the Statutory figures do with EPS submission. When populating the Statutory figures for EP...
It would be really helpful if on the HMRC Notices it displayed which pay run each worker was on so we can ensure all workers for the pay run we are processing have their notice applied correctly.
Kirstie Commons
9 months ago
in RTI & Notices
Future consideration
Amend RTI Date / Addition of Contractual Pay Date Field
When creating the pay schedules for clients who pay on the same date (i.e. 25th of the month, 28th of the month etc) there is an option called "same date - working day" which will amend the pay date to a previous working day if the payment date fa...
Jennefer Willmore
5 months ago
in RTI & Notices
Already exists
When changing the pay date in the payrun once the payrun is finalised, the RTI date for the individuals is not updated. Currently you have to manually override the FPS date in the RTI tab. This needs to be updated automatically based on the pay da...
Luke Hayes
about 1 month ago
in RTI & Notices
Will not implement
It would be helpful if the system displayed whether an employee is a leaver on HMRC Notices, similar to how it does in the pay runs. This would enable us to ensure that all notices are updated correctly for all employees.
Shruthika Todupunuri
7 months ago
in RTI & Notices
Future consideration
Full Payment Submission Report showing more details. FPS Summary where you have in one place number of Current Paid Employees, Number of Leavers, New Starters and unpaid Employees who were included in the current week Full Payment Submission.
4 months ago
in RTI & Notices
Future consideration