Current Process - Currently Employee Export details will give us information only about the Pension Opt Out date of an Employee who has opted out from the pensions within one month of Pension Auto Enrollment.
There is one more option called Cease Membership which is ideally used when an Employee wants to stop Pension contributions after 1 month of Auto Enrollment.
Suggestion - If the Employee Export report can show us the Pension Cease Membership date as well in the Employee Export Report. This will help the client and the Payroll Specialist to understand how many Employees opted out in that particular period.
Whenever there is a requirment then we can pull the information from the Staffology- Employee Export report and share the details with the clients.
Hi Izzy,
Hi Izzy, I had a look at this report this morning for BM Spitalfileds and its only showing the employee's on the monthly payroll not the fortnightly. Please could you advise how we get all employees for both payruns on this report?
Hey - Have you seen our new pension membership export & Import template? This will have all the employees end dates and reasons. This can be found reports > Pensions > Pension membership and can be imported via the employee screen. Any problems, just let me know.
Please find the screenshot for your reference.