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Ideas Portal
Status Acknowledged
Categories Payrun
Created by Gavin Courtney
Created on Jan 30, 2024

Fix "Total employees to be paid - View" bug

After you've run Payroll, you're provided with a report with a series of actions that need to be processed - this is helpful. However, clicking on the "View" button to see the list of employees that need to be paid takes you to the "Required Payments" page for the wrong month. If you look in the query string, it suggests it should be showing month 10, but the UI displays month 11. I only discovered this after I almost paid people the incorrect amount - it would be great to get this bug resolved quickly so that clicking the button shows you the data it says it will.

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  • Admin
    Izzy Hayhurst
    Mar 19, 2024

    Hey Gavin - thank you for raising this. This has been handed over to our support team who will recreate and raise a fix for this issue.