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Ideas Portal
Status Will not implement
Categories API Direct
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 31, 2023

API to be chosen at client level or user level

it would be great when generating an API key, to either choose that key at employer level OR user level. The user level option is creating some challenges at the moment when dealing with mutiple clients using the same user.

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    Izzy Hayhurst
    Nov 1, 2023

    Hey - We would advise creating a new user at employer level and using the API key from this user for all queries/pushes to payroll.


Show on the Employee Audit trail whether the change as made via the API or done manually on Staffology

We are able to view who the change was made by in Staffology and can usually identify whether this has come via the API or entered manually. However we still have cases which we unable to identify where the amendment has come from. So it would be ...
Bobbi Gayford 11 months ago in API Direct 0 Will not implement