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Ideas Portal
Status Will not implement
Categories Other
Created by Karen Murray
Created on Sep 12, 2023

Audit Log - Product Enhancement

We use Staffology Payroll integrated with HR Pro. Any changes made in HR Pro, whomever they are made by, are shown as being made by myself. I believe it's to do with how the API was original set up but our Auditors are most unhappy that we do not have a fully functioning audit log correctly identifying who is making changes. IRIS have advised this is a product enhancement that needs to be raised both are the HR Pro end (which they are raising for me) and at the Staffology end (hence me adding this idea request here at their suggestion). On occasions the system has had a wobble and added things into the payroll which is shouldn't do and again, the audit log is saying that I've created the changes which is entirely inaccurate. Please can this enhancement be implemented. It will make my auditors very happy. Thank you.

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    Izzy Hayhurst
    Nov 1, 2023

    Hi Karen, If you a create a new user in staffology called ' HR Integration' with a email address and then use their API key, it will appear on the audit log as HR Integration so you will be able to differentiate what is being sent from your HR system.

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