The NMW warning sits at employer level rather than employee level which is useful to apply consistent warnings throughout but means directors are flagged under the NMW warnings where NMW does not apply. Would be useful to be able exclude this warn...
Jennefer Willmore
5 months ago
in Employee Setup
Future consideration
When looking at the employers list, there are three sub-headings; Your Employers, Other Employers & Archived. The separate archive heading feels superfluous because when you archive the employer they remain in both the main Your Employers list...
Jennefer Willmore
about 1 month ago
in Bureau
Future consideration
Current there is no way to find number of letters sent in a particular period. We need these number for our invoicing purpose as some our clients might have 100s of letter each pay period. Is it possible to add total number of letters sent in the ...
Ibrahim Raja
5 months ago
in Pensions
Future consideration
We need a task tracker that pops up in the main dashboard and in the employees' panel. Each line added should be able to be ticked off to show completion. Each line should be dated and assigned to the month it needs to be actioned in. These tasks ...
Olivia Menin
about 1 month ago
in Dashboard
Future consideration
There is a rounding error when calculating hourly pay. For example: 83.41 hours @ £12.50 per hour = £1042.625 which should be rounded UP to £1042.63 but instead is being truncated/rounded down to £1042.62 As someone who spent 20 years in software ...
Add/remove users centrally and not on EACH payroll
As a payroll bureau I just want to add a user to look after all our clients or remove a user from all clients. I cannot do this in one central setting location. Instead I have to go through EVERY client and add or remove the user! This simple idea...