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Department Headcount

It would be handy to have any departmental costing reports to include the headcount for that department also
Tina Coggon 9 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Length of service

In EARNIE, beside the employees' start date there was also the length of service (in years). This was useful in that you knew at a glance and didn't have to work it out everytime for every individual employee. Would also be useful if this could be...
Claire O'Connor over 1 year ago in Employee Setup 1 Future consideration

Removing data en masse

For large clients, we use the import function to update employee records as it can be very time-consuming to do this manually and opens up the risk of error. Currently there is availability to remove data in bulk and this feature would be very use...
Guest 5 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

EPS WARNING - Previous EPS to submit

It would be useful if the system replicated the FPS warning for the EPS screens. When creating an EPS the system should generate a warning that their is an EPS from the previous period which requires submitting, before the current period EPS can b...
Matthew Gillett 8 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration

Ability to import in accrual balances to Leave data

Is it possible to import accrual balances within leave set up? If not, this is required so we can hold YTD Balances
Stacey Hendry 4 months ago in Employee Setup 0 Future consideration

Net additions on G2N

Currently, the Gross to Net report adds any net payments (not subject to tax or NI) into the Gross Pay column as there is no net payment column present. This means the Gross Pay on the Employee Analysis vs the Gross to Net has a variance if any ne...
Georgie Doble over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Separate columns for forename and surname on Advance Variance Report

Client has made a comment about having employee's full name in one column making it difficult to filter or search on a name. All other reports display surnames in their own column.
CHRISTINE GODWIN 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Errors shown during employee import

When importing employee data (especially large piece of data at the point of implementation), the errors shown are individual rather than in bulk : example of an error "5 Payroll Codes in your CSV file (including '1802') are already in use". It wo...
Raluca Ioan 10 months ago in Settings 1 Future consideration

Payroll reports spanning two tax years

For example my clients accounting year is 01/01/22 to 31/12/22 therefore I would require payroll report totals for; Tax Year 21/22 Period 10 Jan 22 to Tax Year 22/23 Period 9 Dec 22
Guest about 2 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Pay codes must be blocked from being deleted if there are any values against them.

The system must block the deletion of any pay codes that have a value against them. Amongst other things, this causes the journal to be out of balance.
Lisa Ramos 4 months ago in Settings 0 Future consideration