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Make& Model of Car - Benefits

The make and model field for payrolled car benefits is unlimited in terms of the number of characters, however this is causing the FPS to fail as there is a limited number of charcters accepted on the FPS. Could validation be added to only allow t...
Guest 5 months ago in  1 Future consideration

Employee Notes Flag

would it be possible to amend the colour of the Employee Notes Tab, so when there is a note placed against an employee is it obvious when accessing the record from the payroll run or the Employee record direct.
Matthew Gillett 9 months ago in Other 0 Future consideration

Payslip - Cost Centre

It would be helpful to be able to run payslips just for a particular Cost Centre, not just Departments
Nuria Ortega about 2 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

When there is a change of tax of code, please state what it is changing from as well.

Can be useful if there is a drastic changes, we can advise clients in advance and be pro-active, rather than the client spotting it and then contacting us
Jo Thrupp 5 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Can we have the Expatriate (Jersey s690 rule) functionality uplifted from Professional to Staffology.

We have an employee who is on the UK payroll but spends the majority of their time living and working in Jersey. We therefore adopt the tax rules of s690, where their taxable pay is 5% of their actual taxable pay.
Guest about 2 months ago in Payments & Liability 1 Future consideration

Suppress pay code with zero values

We have ended up with a list of pay codes some of which are only used once a year, it would be useful to be able to only show pay codes with a value on the payslips.
Cliff Fountain 6 months ago in Payslips 1 Future consideration

Xero payroll journals to be posted as Approved (not Draft)

It's a pain having to go into Xero to "approve" the draft payroll journals, whilst QBO journals are posted as approved with no further manual adjustments required. Please change it so the journals get posted as approved (or, so there's an option i...
Guest 5 months ago in Accounting 0 Future consideration

Moving with ease through the employees

Good afternoon Just wanted to share a little bug bear with you. Moving with ease through the employees. I’ve thought about this for a while now however since you have changed the banking settings (?) we have had to go through all individuals one b...
Guest over 2 years ago in Employee Setup 4 Future consideration

Add benefit in kind to Gross to Net report

It would be useful if the gross to net showed payroll benefits.
Luke Hayes 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add more settings to defaults and bureau settings

Currently you are limited on copying certain defaults from one payroll to another. It would be useful if EVERY payroll setting could be set a a bureau level and applied to existing and new payrolls. Specifically things like mail settings, template...
Luke Hayes 3 months ago in Bureau 0 Future consideration