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Ideas Portal


Showing 28

Fix menu bar displacement when working on a small screen

I believe this is down to the logo - but when working on a small screen, the menu items get displaced and you cannot click on them. Just needs to be fixed.
Luke Hayes 6 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Acknowledged

Holidays taken report for a past period

This report would facilitate the calculation of the holidays due provision at the financial year end where that does not coincide with the holiday year.
Guest 12 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Pay increase should affect additional roles

We have just done our annual % increase and it seems that for employees with multiple roles (salaried or hourly based), the increase has only been applied to their first role and not the additional roles. Would be helpful if there was an option to...
Ben Fletcher 6 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Automatically email Invoices out rather than having to log in to download them

Saves time having to log in & can automatically go to Finance team in real time
Guest over 2 years ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Questionnaire for 3rd party connectors / API

Whoever thought it would be a good idea to force me to complete a questionnaire for all my clients needs their head examined. Please get rid of this intrusion and timewasting thing.
Guest 9 months ago in MIscellaneous 0 Acknowledged

employment Allowance

Please can we show the employment allowance on the journals as the journal that goes to xero is incorrect as it doesn't take the employers NI out until the EA is used
Guest about 2 years ago in MIscellaneous 2 Planned

Allow all emails to be CC'd or BCC'd to a given email address

We regularly get requests for copy payslips from our staff. If our payroll@ email address could be BCC'd into all outbound emails we would have a copy of the original email that could be forwarded to the staff member - by anyone with access to tha...
Jo Phenna over 2 years ago in MIscellaneous 0 Future consideration

Add Other option to gender in Staff records

We have been asking our staff to complete a form that essentially creates their entry in Staffology - this includes asking them to provide their gender. For some of our staff, this is not as simple as Male or Female, and we would hate for anyone w...
Joseph Cooper about 3 years ago in MIscellaneous 0 Will not implement