Offline (temporary?) payroll for what if calcalations
There are many instances when we would like to use the software to do future what if calcuations, for example when we need to indicate to directors what effect bonuses will gave on PAYE due. This would also be useful for exploring settings without...
When looking at the employers list, there are three sub-headings; Your Employers, Other Employers & Archived. The separate archive heading feels superfluous because when you archive the employer they remain in both the main Your Employers list...
Jennefer Willmore
about 2 months ago
in Bureau
Future consideration
Ability to automatically send payslips and report to a client for approval
Have the ability to click a button and automatically send all payslips and reports to a client to review before finalising the pay run and automatically submitting FPS e.t.c. Note that this is for an account with multiple clients (i.e bureau).
Sam Collett
7 months ago
in Bureau
Future consideration
Separate automation settings for each pay frequency
We have clients with several different frequencies under one PAYE ref and it would be good to have different automation settings for each of these. For example finalise one frequency on pay day and another 6 days before.
Emily Libby
6 months ago
in Bureau
Future consideration
The bureau dashboard is not searchable and you cannot group companies together, like on the employer list. Ideally these two lists should be merged - or detail added to both
Luke Hayes
6 months ago
in Bureau
Future consideration
More Flexibility For Early Automation Dates For Bureau
We have a few clients who like their reports early in the month with a later pay date and with the current setting that the earliest date for automation is six days before payday means we are having to manually process payrolls that could be easil...
10 months ago
in Bureau
Future consideration
We need to extract client lists, contact details, employee numbers, portfolio allocation etc etc on a global level for all clients. Currently there is no global reporting functionality.
Emily Libby
10 months ago
in Bureau
Future consideration
Ability to remove a user and have ownership of scheme automatically transferred
We work in a bureau with multiple staff working on payrolls. Currently if a team member leaves our business they need to manually go through hundreds of companies and change the ownership of the payroll to somebody else at the firm prior to them l...
Cameron Malcolm
8 months ago
in Bureau
Future consideration