Natwest payment - ability to name the bank Template
Can Staffology please implement the ability to enter the Bank Template reference for Natwest. This facility was available in Star IPP whereby you can name the Template. See attached screenshot.
Ability to choose the payment date for a payment file
The payment files produced will automatically populate with the payment date listed in the schedule but there are times when this needs amending (such as Christmas) when payroll is processed early. The only option currently is to manually amend th...
When processing a weekly payroll, it would be useful for a prompt to come up to notify that the end of the PAYE month has been reached and so a PAYE payment is due. Like in old 'IRIS Bureau' there was a month end processing prompt. This would be u...
Create a Paid tab when manual payments have been made to HMRC
I currently pay PAYE and CIS manually to HMRC each month, it would be useful if there was a tab or field that I can use to mark as paid, instead of the payments looking like they are still outstanding.
Barclays BACS file pulls the employee name from the Basic Details tab in their employee record, rather than the name on the Bank Account tab. This therefore includes the employees full name (including middle name) so the name cuts off on the BACS ...
Can we have the Expatriate (Jersey s690 rule) functionality uplifted from Professional to Staffology.
We have an employee who is on the UK payroll but spends the majority of their time living and working in Jersey. We therefore adopt the tax rules of s690, where their taxable pay is 5% of their actual taxable pay.
Ability to change only the name of a system Paycode
We'd like the ability to change only the name of a system pay code, for instance, Accrued Holiday Pay, we'd like it to be Rolled Up Holiday Pay as this is what our employees have come to know.