It would be useful to be able to generate all payslips for a worker in one go, when they request them. At the moment you can only view and export 1 payslip at a time.
Sarah Carter
over 3 years ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
Provide an explanation of how tax/ NI or Student Loan has been calculated
I had a facility to send to a client an detailed explanation of how an employee's net pay was calculated in my previous significantly cheaper payroll software. This was very useful to be able to send when net pay was queried. I could choose tax , ...
Annette Mackay
9 months ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
We currently use the umbrella settings within Staffology payroll however it would be great if we had more flexibility over the wording within the payslips. For example my client would like to change the wording in the heading 'Umbrella Costs'. As ...
Karen Durden
4 months ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
The ability to determine the order of a pay code and in which section of the payslip it should appear. E.G. Earnings at top of payslip, Benefit value for tax - middle of payslip, deductions in bottom 1/3rd of payslip.
Matthew Gillett
about 1 year ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
It would be useful to get an overall total of benefit deductions per month as well as have the benefits at the top of the payslip under monthly pay, so it is clearer on the total value an employee will be taxed on.
over 2 years ago
in Payslips
Future consideration
The ability to change £ signs on payslips and report to $ or € etc for specific payroll
We operate a payroll for non UK nationals working oversea. They are not subject to UK taxes but we need a "proper" payslip and payroll for oversea verification
5 months ago
in Payslips
Will not implement