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Pay run filter always reverts to "all departments"

If running a pay run and setting the filter to show a specific department, after entering the pay for an employee, the filter resets back to showing all departments. It should stay on the set filter while in the pay run screen.
Simon L 7 months ago in Payrun 0 Acknowledged

Changing Company cars mid year

I have been asked by support to put this through as a new idea, but Earnie payroll already does it!. If an employee changes car mid month, from a high co2 level to an electric car, and are due to a refund of Bik, Staffology calculates the correct ...
Tina Coggon 6 months ago in Payrun 0 Planned

Tax Code Download

It would be very useful if the HMRC - Notices screen displayed the number of tax codes to be applied/ collected from HMRC. This way when the Apply Notices is enabled and report the green banner with the number updated, it is easy to know if all co...
Matthew Gillett 8 months ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

Average Holiday - hours used to include working pattern hours + pay code set

On the average holiday feature you can only use the system to calculate the hours based on pay code sets or working pattern. We need the system to be dividing the last 12 month's pay by the normal hours for salaried staff plus any overtime hours
Kile Simmonds 2 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Multiple Gross ups per employee

Currently staffology can only process one gross up pay code per employee - we require multiple gross ups for same employees across multiple pay codes in same pay period. To be added to road map asap
Stacey Hendry 5 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Import Leave Requests for Salaried Employees

Currently all leave requests for salaried employees must be manually entered one by one on an employee profile. Ideally we could import leave requests via CSV for all leave types, but in particular importing holiday requests would reduce the emplo...
Guest 11 months ago in Payrun 1 Started

Minimum Wage warning

When I last ran payroll, one employee who is on minimum wage was being flagged as being paid below the threshold, but in fact her salary is £22510 so is marginally above it. The only way to remove this warning was to switch the warning off. Is it ...
Guest 6 months ago in Payrun 1 Acknowledged

Import Statutory figures

Ability to import SMP / SSP Figures each period for multiple employees
Stacey Hendry 3 months ago in Payrun 3 Already exists

Target Net Pay

Can there be a function where you can select the target net pay you want for an employee if employee is to be paid a specific amount each period regardless of the amount of adjustments being processed
Stacey Hendry 3 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Payroll Processing Guide

The guide/ help pages available are very vague, please produce a payroll manual that has step by step instructions of the actions required and the order to complete them. The guide should include importing Perm and temp data, cover all payroll iss...
Matthew Gillett 9 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration