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Download PDF - summarised

Hi, when processing a pay run, please would you be able to add the option to be able to download the "summarised" payroll report in PDF format, as well as the current CSV format. Many thanks,
Matthew Fidgett 11 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration


I have noticed that Bonus Amount which was set up under Employee / Pay Options /Additions & Deductions keep changing in the current pay run if you make changes to value in a previous pay run and did not change an amount under Employee section.
Guest about 1 year ago in Payrun 1 Acknowledged

Allow automatic payruns for employees who are paid on a net pay basis.

Currently there isn't a way to set up an automatic payroll run for employees who have the same take home pay each week / month regardless of tax (e.g. £1,000 per month take home pay). It would be great to implement this as not all employees salary...
Guest about 2 years ago in Payrun 3 Already exists

Pro Rata Calculations

When a salary is pro rata'd payroll is calculating based on a percentage of days worked. Our client is calculating as annual salary divided by 12 divided by number of working days in the month multiplied by the actual number of days worked. Whilst...
Guest about 3 years ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Apprenticeship levy basis value to be included on pay run report so you can see the number used for calculation of the levy

No description provided
Guest about 2 years ago in Payrun 2 Will not implement

Fix "Total employees to be paid - View" bug

After you've run Payroll, you're provided with a report with a series of actions that need to be processed - this is helpful. However, clicking on the "View" button to see the list of employees that need to be paid takes you to the "Required Payme...
Gavin Courtney about 1 year ago in Payrun 1 Acknowledged

Backdated pay increases

Our company would often apply an annual inflation increase to all employees. Can the pay increase be automatically calculated by Staffology if the % was entered rather than having to update every employee individually. Also, the inflation rise is ...
Claire O'Connor over 1 year ago in Payrun 0 Already exists

CSV File Upload Warning Message

Is it possible to have a warning message pop up when uplaoding a CSV file if a file with same name has already been loaded? This will avoid files being processed twice in error.
Guest about 3 years ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

Show Tax code on Pay run screen

to show if the tax code is a norm tax code or dif
Guest over 1 year ago in Payrun 3 Already exists

Pay Code update causes a side-effect on payrun

We have noticed that when editing the pay code, if the Code itself is updated (not the Title), the line items in a pay run gets affected. When we try to edit the line item that is using the above changed pay code, it displays "Nothing Selected" an...
Richard Williams almost 2 years ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration