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To include a pay element based on calculation of hourly rate of pay or daily rate of pay already in the employees record

I want to pay accrued holiday when an employee leaves but I have to add both the number of days and then go back to check the daily rate and add that manually. Can the rate (either daily or hourly) be a tick option and then flow through to the pay...
Guest 8 months ago in Payrun 1 Already exists

Payrun - emailed reports in .csv and reports versions in email subject

Hi there, Would it be possible to have reports in .csv as well as .pdf please? It would be good to have the option. Currently, the only .csv is a payment file which is not password protected but all the .pdfs are. Not sure what the issue is there....
Guest over 1 year ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

show basic pay rate

Please can you add an area to show the basic pay rate of an employee when adding hours, it's frustrating having to go into their record to find what their normal pay rate is
Guest 8 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration


We bank with KBC and there is no suitable BACS file for KBC so please can one be created.
Karen Swatton over 1 year ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Charity pennies

We have a charity of the year each year, and the chance that an employee could round down their net pay, and this be transferred to a charity fund would be great
Tina Coggon 9 months ago in Payrun 1 Future consideration

Visual indicator for edited payslips in a payrun

Currently there is no visual indicator to show which employee's payslips have been edited / amended / completed etc in a pay run, which, can be rather confusing for some people. Either changing the row colour after a payslip has been changed, or a...
Ashley Grey 10 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration

Additional leave types

It would be really helpful if we could have some additional leave types to select when adding leave to an employee. We record lieu days, authorised absence etc. and it would be useful to be able to add additional options to the current selection.
Sarah King over 3 years ago in Payrun 2 Future consideration

Download PDF - summarised

Hi, when processing a pay run, please would you be able to add the option to be able to download the "summarised" payroll report in PDF format, as well as the current CSV format. Many thanks,
Matthew Fidgett 11 months ago in Payrun 0 Future consideration


I have noticed that Bonus Amount which was set up under Employee / Pay Options /Additions & Deductions keep changing in the current pay run if you make changes to value in a previous pay run and did not change an amount under Employee section.
Guest 12 months ago in Payrun 1 Acknowledged

Allow automatic payruns for employees who are paid on a net pay basis.

Currently there isn't a way to set up an automatic payroll run for employees who have the same take home pay each week / month regardless of tax (e.g. £1,000 per month take home pay). It would be great to implement this as not all employees salary...
Guest about 2 years ago in Payrun 3 Already exists