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Cost Centre added to Pay Run Journal report

With the Cost Centre being added to Pay Run Journal report this will be useful as we will be able to split down the employee's further. We have multiple sites under one payroll therefore multiple people need to approve the payroll. With the cost c...
Guest 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Gross to Net report

The Gross to Net Report needs to be broken down to display columns for each pay code rather than lumping up all the costs (i.e. salaries, bonuses, holiday pay, sick pay, etc) into one 'Total Gross' column. The deductions should also be separately ...
Michelle Edward 7 months ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Cost of employment report broken down by department

It would be really useful to be able to print a pdf report of the department breakdown costings showing tax, NI, student loans etc.
Wendy Mortlock 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration
101 VOTE

Report Packs & Report Designer

The functionality to be able to export a whole report pack rather than having to export each individual report. Creation of more in-depth reports using existing pay items within the payroll and employee records.
George Haynes about 3 years ago in Reports 6 Started

Reports - Employee Benefits

The Benefits Reports - Exports details of all employee benefits recorded, does not report all PAYE and P11D benefits. I have created Beneficial Loans, Living Accommodation as P11D items. Vehicles and Private medical As PAYE items. When selecting t...
Matthew Gillett about 2 months ago in Reports 0 New

Payroll Journal - EE level data for Statutory Recoveries

The payroll journal doesn't output employee level data for statutory recoveries. Whilst I think this is a bug, as the payroll journal should output all costs and credits at employee level in order to book costs to the P&L / Balance Sheet, I'm ...
Guest 28 days ago in Reports 2 Planned

Attachment TD Report

There is a similar report available on employee level but it doesn't have all the required data plus it can't be run for the whole company. Ideally such report should be able to produce data for whle company with following fields. Employee Payroll...
Ibrahim Raja 7 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Download of recurring payments data

We regularly update employee records with additions and deductions, but there isn't an option to view the combined data for these payments for all employees within the system. It would be helpful to have a report that consolidates this data for al...
Shruthika Todupunuri 8 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Report - Cost Centre Weightings per employee

It would be useful if within "Reports" -> "Employees" users could download a report that shows cost centres assigned to each employee and the weighting applied to each. Due to the nature of our business - we are required to review and update co...
Guest about 1 month ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Simplified P32 Report

It would be great to have a simplified P32 which just contains the monthly totals, as in the attached (IPP Report). The P32 pdf download is very busy at the moment. I note you can download a csv version but it isnt very pretty for clients.
Emily Libby 5 months ago in Reports 2 Will not implement