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Report Packs & Report Designer

The functionality to be able to export a whole report pack rather than having to export each individual report. Creation of more in-depth reports using existing pay items within the payroll and employee records.
George Haynes over 3 years ago in Reports 6 Started

Report Pack Download in Bulk or Single PDF

Once a report pack has been created it would be helpful to be able to download all reports within the pack either as a single document or as individual documents with a single click for the pay period in question rather than having to click and up...
Katie Dilloway over 1 year ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Cross Tax years payroll reports

As we are an accountancy practice - we will ABSOLUTELY NEED the Multi Period Reports for our clients accounts
Guest 7 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Report for Employees not worked more than 3 months

A report to record employees not worked for 3 months (12 weeks) was helpful on our last payroll software. It helps purge the payroll for tax year end etc.
Kerstyn Benson 2 months ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Option to Download the Employee Export by Pay Run

It would be really helpful if we had the option to download the Employee Export by pay run. We have clients who have multiple pay runs which only want to see the employee's in the corresponding pay run on the Employee Export. We are currently havi...
Bobbi Gayford 9 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Total contribution figure to be included on Pension Summary

On the pension summary report there is a total at the end of each column for Er's & Ee's contributions. However, it would be very useful if there was an overall total of these figures added together on the report
Rachel Radford 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Gross to Net report

The Gross to Net Report needs to be broken down to display columns for each pay code rather than lumping up all the costs (i.e. salaries, bonuses, holiday pay, sick pay, etc) into one 'Total Gross' column. The deductions should also be separately ...
Michelle Edward 11 months ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Year to Date Balances Report

When we generate the Year to date balances report not all employees with YTD show on this report so we cannot balance back YTD figures after period processed. Year to date balance report should include all employees, why are some leavers etc missi...
Stacey Hendry 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

All reports in number order or Alphabetical order

it would be very useful to have all reports either in Alphabetical order or Number order. as printing required payments is very random a sort button at the top would be very useful
Guest 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

NI tables to populate within employee export

The following fields are displayed in the header row on the employee export but are always empty despite data being held in the system that is relevant. Would be very useful if these populated: Ni Earnings to LEL NI LEL to PT NI PT to UEL
Jennefer Willmore 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration