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NI Balances

NI YTD Balances report is blank and does not generate any data if generated before first parallel ran, this means we cannot check all NI figures are correct prior to starting parallel payroll run as the report produces no figures, how can we gener...
Stacey Hendry 7 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Reports to have date filters

You should be able to run reports between 2 dates
Sarah Carter over 3 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Reporting YTD balances

Reporting options are limited, especially for YTD reports such as pensions. To capture these details multiple reports are having to be run for multiple periods just to get YTD figures. There should be functionality to run such reports for a single...
Guest over 3 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Sending reports to one email address at a time

Add the function to send reports to more than one email address at a time, as often payrolls have a few individuals who review and it is easier to keep it all together.
Guest over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Handelsbanken Report for Bacs

We have paid a lot of money for a report on Earnie, we were told we could use this in staffology, but Handelsbanken is not included in the bacs files
Guest 9 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Contracted Hours

To have a report that shows the contractual hours per employee.
Tina Coggon 9 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Run a report by pay code e.g to find hours paid

No description provided
Guest 9 months ago in Reports 2 Acknowledged

Download description or Net pay value coded for a grossed up amount

Hi Team, Please can you see if there can be some development ASAP to download either the net amount we code in to do a Net to Gross or we can download the description of payment from the system. Example attached. This would be an immense help for ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Audit report old and new values incorrect

The audit report shows the new spinal point salary as the old value and the new one as the old one as the new. Its the incorrect way
Sharon Burgess 11 months ago in Reports 0 Pending Review

Incorrect Sorting for CSV reports

Hi, When exporting the “Required Payments” report and “Gross To Net” report as a CSV file, the employee name are exported along with their titles (Mr, Mrs, etc.). So when we try to sort the CSV file employee it sorts them based on title which is i...
Richard Williams over 2 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration