We require 2 Factor Authentication with all our software, currently this is not available, even though we were told it would be available when staffology was purchased, along with isams & ifinance software? Please advise when this will be live
At present we cannot export pay codes. We can copy and paste the values on the screen into a workbook but it does not pull across the ticks in the subject to Tax/NI/Pension/AEO fields. Being able to extract the pay code info in a CSV report would ...
Georgie Doble
almost 2 years ago
in Other
It would be very helpful to be able to update/change job titles in mass by csv import, as it seems that this can only be done manually, one worker at a time. Essentially it we be helpful to be able to update/change all employment details in mass b...
It would be useful to be able to assign cost centres to employees in mass by CSV import. It does not look like there is the abiilty to do so at this time. It seems that this has to be done one by one. It would also help to add cost centre code and...
We use the accs office ref to track which employers are closed/archived by adding 'closed' to the beginning of ref. If this can't be undone can you please add a column to the employers list showing who is archived or active.
The ability to re-verify a subcontractor. This is essential, subcontractors regularly apply for Gross Status or provide incorrect information on their initial verification. I don't understand why more users have not already asked for this.
katrina Kilcoyne
over 3 years ago
in Other