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Can there be a "total" Pension report that combines all totals for the whole employer. As an accountant, our accounts team often ask for a total, so I have to merge the CSV for each scheme for each month and it is time consuming.

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Jo Thrupp 1 day ago in Reports 0 New

YTD report for the whole tax year

The Year To Date Balances report is only per period. This would be beneficial if this report was per tax year as-well as periods. We have to combine all fortnightly/weekly reports and total up employee's pay to get there year to date figures for a...
chloe guichard about 1 month ago in Reports 1 New

P11 (detailed) report - For "All Employees" including leavers

When running a P11 (detailed) report, and selecting "All Employees", currently this does not include any leavers from the current tax year. Please can this be updated, as it seems the only other way to retrieve these is to run them off individuall...
Matthew Fidgett 21 days ago in Reports 0 New

update payments due report

Update the payments due report so that once all of the employment allowance has been used, that it displays the correct PAYE to HMRC when it is in draft form. At the moment if the payroll has not been finalised and the employment allowance has all...
Guest 18 days ago in Reports 0 New

Capacity to print all reports at once within report pack and in PDF format

It would be useful to be able to print all reports at once in pdf format within a report pack i.e. monthly or weekly payroll reports - on Paye-Master you just clicked on report robot and all reports printed
Guest 29 days ago in Reports 0 New

Notice/symbol next to broken reports

There's been a few instances of us using reports that were broken/glitchy/being fixed. It would be good to be able to see which reports are not working properly. Perhaps with the use of a red dot or a symbol next to them so we know to wait until t...
Olivia Menin 15 days ago in Reports 0 New

Detailed monthly report on PBIKs

We payroll cars and medical insurance and need to accrue the cost of class 1a NICs due on these each month in out accounts. We want to allocate the NIC on cars to one nominal ledger code and the NIC owed on medical insurance to another code. But t...
Guest 2 months ago in Reports 0 New

Gross Amount - Different on Gross to Net report and on Full Summary of Pay

When you run Gross to Net Report and Full Summary of Pay Report the Gross amount is different. On Gross to Net Report you need to add to Gross Amount other Deductions ( Employee Pension Contribution) to get the same figure for Gross as stated in F...
Guest about 1 month ago in Reports 0 New

P11D Functionality/ Reporting

HI, we use 3rd aprty software (P11D Organiser) at present but are encouraging clients to move to the Staffology platform. We have an issue with the reports which appear to be available, as they lack detail. The P11D system produces consolidate XL ...
Matthew Gillett about 1 month ago in Reports 0 New