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YTD report for the whole tax year

The Year To Date Balances report is only per period. This would be beneficial if this report was per tax year as-well as periods. We have to combine all fortnightly/weekly reports and total up employee's pay to get there year to date figures for a...
chloe guichard about 2 months ago in Reports 1 New

Department Name in Payroll Analysis Report

Currently there is a department column which is populated with department code. However there is a need for an additional column for Department Name which will help in easy recognition and mapping as names are usually used in financial reporting.
Ibrahim Raja about 1 month ago in Reports 0 Started

Opening balances export

Is it possible to generate a report showing opening balances by employee in a CSV/Excel format? Something similar to the P11 detailed report but this is only available as a PDF.
Guest 3 days ago in Reports 0 New

Report to show who is Flagged as Director for NIC Calculation

Is it possible to generate a report to show who has Director NIC Flag switched on
Stacey Hendry 12 days ago in Reports 0 New

Can there be a "total" Pension report that combines all totals for the whole employer. As an accountant, our accounts team often ask for a total, so I have to merge the CSV for each scheme for each month and it is time consuming.

No description provided
Jo Thrupp 17 days ago in Reports 0 New

Total YTD for Employers Allowance

It would be very useful if you had a report which showed the total YTD Employers Allowance for each period.
Patrick Vance 13 days ago in Reports 0 New

Gross To Net Report group by Department with subtotals

Gross To Net Report should offer the option to group by department and present subtotals for each Department
Nuria Ortega 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

P11 (detailed) report - For "All Employees" including leavers

When running a P11 (detailed) report, and selecting "All Employees", currently this does not include any leavers from the current tax year. Please can this be updated, as it seems the only other way to retrieve these is to run them off individuall...
Matthew Fidgett about 1 month ago in Reports 0 New

Report Options - Calender year

Staffology generates consolidated reports primarily based on the tax year. However, to cater to client preferences, if it also provides the option to generate consolidated reports aligned with the calendar year, covering the period from January 1s...
Shruthika Todupunuri 4 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Student Loan changes report

Is it possible to generate a report to show student loan / Post grad loan changes in the month the same as tax code changes report, or can you generate a report to show all HMRC Download changes that has been applied?
Stacey Hendry 10 days ago in Reports 0 New