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Categories Payslips
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 7, 2021

cusromise payslip to show for an umbrella PAYE

Is there already an option to customise a payslip so it shows the contractor rate, TGP, minus the emploers NI, company margin then giving GP then to minus the deductions of employees NI and Tax, as well as showing their NMW and additionl rate? As i am an umbrella company, its not a standard payslip

    Oct 11, 2021

    Hi Nikki,

    thanks for your question.

    The standard umbrella payslip shows the MNW rate with associated hours, the amount of DPSB, and any holiday accrual and deductions for NI & PAYE.
    We do offer a couple of ways to further customise the umbrella payslip.
    Under the umbrella payroll main settings you can choose whether to include the processing fee on the payslip or not.
    Under the payslip customisation settings you can choose whether to include further details on the umbrella calculation in the payslip which makes the layout more how you describe in your question. Enabling this will add an extra section to the top of the payslip detailing the invoice amount plus any employer costs (NI, Pension) and any other deductions such as the Apprenticeship Levy and your fee.
    Further information to follow the above suggestions can be found here:

    If you have any further questions our support team will be happy to give you further guidance.

    If the above does not offer what you need please do let me know what further enhancements are required and I will raise it with our review panel.

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