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Payroll Analysis/Journal

It would be very helpful if this report was available as a pdf report rather than just a csv
Rachel Radford 6 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Payroll Journal - EE level data for Statutory Recoveries

The payroll journal doesn't output employee level data for statutory recoveries. Whilst I think this is a bug, as the payroll journal should output all costs and credits at employee level in order to book costs to the P&L / Balance Sheet, I'm ...
Guest 4 months ago in Reports 2 Started

Create a Paid tab when manual payments have been made to HMRC

I currently pay PAYE and CIS manually to HMRC each month, it would be useful if there was a tab or field that I can use to mark as paid, instead of the payments looking like they are still outstanding.
Theresa Murphy 4 months ago in Payments & Liability 2 Acknowledged

Nominal code mapping import/export

Adding the nominal code mapping to the Pay Code import/export would be really helpful - manually entering these is a laborious process.
Joe Williams about 1 year ago in Accounting 0 Future consideration


This causes confusion with CIS 300 as the UTR needs to be able to file BUT CIS guys are not always a company (sole trader)
Guest 4 months ago in Payments & Liability 0 Future consideration

Report - Cost Centre Weightings per employee

It would be useful if within "Reports" -> "Employees" users could download a report that shows cost centres assigned to each employee and the weighting applied to each. Due to the nature of our business - we are required to review and update co...
Guest 5 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Special Character report

We often have errors on FPS's that are due to employees having special characters in their names/addresses. It would be great if we could run a special character report that flags any of these to us as at the moment, we have to scour through repor...
Charlotte Sewell over 2 years ago in RTI & Notices 2 Will not implement

Fields for SHPP missing in staffology

We require fields within staffology to enter Maternity details for SHPP (curtailment and how many weeks SMP was paid)
Stacey Hendry 5 months ago in Payments & Liability 0 Future consideration

Option to delete unsubmitted FPS

There are occasions when you need to delete an FPS, for example if a run is accidentally reopened. Please could this be an option?
Emily Libby 7 months ago in  0 Future consideration

Draft Payslips

We operate an External Bureau for client payrolls, as part of our authorisation process, clients request draft payslips prior to payroll finalisation, to complete sample checking before authorising the payroll. We would require the ability to be a...
Matthew Gillett 11 months ago in Payrun 3 Already exists