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API Direct

Showing 9

API PATCH for Amending One Employee's Payline in the Payrun

To change a single pay line on a single employee, I have to request and re-send the entire massive payrun object every time and risk altering the ENTIRE pay run for the month. For 350 employees this comes out to 10,000 lines of code. Having a PATC...
Penny Jungreis about 2 years ago in API Direct 2 Future consideration

Staffology API to Natwest Autopay

An API would be great to automate payments to Natwest Autopay
sarah carter over 1 year ago in API Direct 0 Future consideration

API Endpoint for Accounting Report Including Employee Breakdown and Nominal Codes

The below endpoint is very useful for reporting spending per employee, however it would be much better for accounting purposes if this included the associated nominal{employerId}/reports/Year2022/Monthly/analysis
Penny Jungreis about 2 years ago in API Direct 0 Future consideration

Add Ability to set the payment time for a BACS run in Staffology.

We have a client who wants to pay at 00.01 on pay day, and at the monent the API from staffology to Telleroo sends a time of 04.00, which means we have to manually intervene each month on Telleroo. Can you add the ability to set a payment time in ...
Tanya Birnie over 1 year ago in API Direct 0 Future consideration

API operation to Restart Pay Run by EmployeeId

Equivalent to the UI operation: select an employee in the open Pay Run and with selected entry... "Restart Pay Run".
Guest about 1 year ago in API Direct 1 Future consideration

New leave-related Webhook events

Please create the following Webhook events:- Leave Created Leave Updated Leave Deleted This will save us having to have a scheduled task hitting the List Leave event for every employee on a scheduled basis.
Andy Ross about 1 year ago in API Direct 0 Future consideration

When pulling hours from rotacload it pulls the hours for each day the employee has worked. would be better if these were grouped up as a total hours in a month

No description provided
Glyn Biggs almost 2 years ago in API Direct 3 Future consideration

Validation errors while posting data through the API

I am developing a client for Staffology API. I've noticed that while posting data to create an employee, the API throws Bad Request for a single property only. It becomes a lot easier if an array of all validation errors are sent instead of a sing...
Guest about 2 years ago in API Direct 1 Future consideration

Integration with BambooHR

Reduce double entry of HR and Payroll
Guest about 3 years ago in API Direct 1 Future consideration