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Showing 14

Manual entry box on HMRC payment schedule to include CIS deductions from payments to sub contractors where CIS is not filed with Staffology

This would be similar to the old box on Iris Payroll Business on the P32 and enables the software to correctly show the full payment to HMRC rather than have to record it externally.
Guest 11 months ago in CIS 0 Acknowledged

CIS annual detailed annual statement

Staffology provide the annual or monthly CIS statement but this does not give the detail required for a subcontractor to check the payments to their own records. We pay our subcontractors weekly and would like an annual statement for each subcontr...
katrina Kilcoyne about 2 years ago in CIS 1 Future consideration

CIS 300 Return and EPS

If you wish to send both a CIS 300 Return each month and an EPS to tell HMRC how much has been suffered, currently you have to add the URT in and then take it out. Can thisbe fixed?
Guest about 2 years ago in CIS 3 Acknowledged

Add non CIS return additions and deductions

In particular, our subcontractors are often paid advances but these are causing the CIS return to fail. I have to run the CIS payroll, print all the reports for file send payslips then go back into the data to removed the advances so the CIS retur...
katrina Kilcoyne over 3 years ago in CIS 1 Future consideration