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RTI & Notices

Showing 25

EPS WARNING - Previous EPS to submit

It would be useful if the system replicated the FPS warning for the EPS screens. When creating an EPS the system should generate a warning that their is an EPS from the previous period which requires submitting, before the current period EPS can b...
Matthew Gillett 7 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration


FPS is shown in ascending order but EPS is in descending order by month. Please make these the same so as not confusing. Thank you
Guest 8 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration

Tax code changed message!

Would it be possible to have a message on the EE record (adjacent to the tax code) when an HMRC notice has been applied and the date it was applied please. I've had a situation where I've inputted P45 details, not knowing a new notice has already ...
Pamela Finbow 8 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration

P30 totals

When i send an eps with cis suffered deductions a total for the year is very useful for accounts.
Guest 6 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration

Special Character report

We often have errors on FPS's that are due to employees having special characters in their names/addresses. It would be great if we could run a special character report that flags any of these to us as at the moment, we have to scour through repor...
Charlotte Sewell over 2 years ago in RTI & Notices 2 Will not implement

FPS reason code for late submission with auto submit

We have auto submit selected so that FPS are autosubmitted after a payrun. However, I have noticed that when the payrun is submitted late (for exmaple having to reopen and make a correction post pay day), we are not prompted to select a reason cod...
Guest about 2 years ago in RTI & Notices 1 Future consideration

EPS figures added to P30

Currently I add the figures to EPS manually, then have to add manually again to the P30 to show the client the liability.
Guest 10 months ago in RTI & Notices 1 Acknowledged

Add the date of when the FPS was genereated on the left hand side panel

No description provided
Sam Collett 6 months ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration

See all FPS that have been sent, not just the latest one

To see all FPS sent and when they were sent as well as the IRMark is required so we have the full picture of what HMRC received, at the moment we can only see the latest FPS that was sent.
Georgina Richards about 2 years ago in RTI & Notices 1 Already exists

P6 notifications

The HMRC list of P6 notifications should have a search bar. It is difficult to find a tax code update by having to scan through the extensive list of notifications when dealing with a query.
Kellann Douglas about 1 year ago in RTI & Notices 0 Future consideration