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Pay Code ordering on payslips

The ability to determine the order of a pay code and in which section of the payslip it should appear. E.G. Earnings at top of payslip, Benefit value for tax - middle of payslip, deductions in bottom 1/3rd of payslip.
Matthew Gillett about 1 year ago in Payslips 1 Future consideration

Payslip - Cost Centre

It would be helpful to be able to run payslips just for a particular Cost Centre, not just Departments
Nuria Ortega 5 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Clearer line items for benefits on payslips

It would be useful to get an overall total of benefit deductions per month as well as have the benefits at the top of the payslip under monthly pay, so it is clearer on the total value an employee will be taxed on.
Guest over 2 years ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Customize payslip to show the PAYE number of an employer for each employee payslip.

No description provided
Guest 8 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration


Holiday allowance and days taken appear in the bottom left hand corner of printed payslips. However we send our staff their payslips through My ePay Window and at the moment the holiday allowance/taken does not appear anywhere on these. If you cou...
Guest 8 months ago in Payslips 2 Future consideration

Payslips - bulk upload/Multiperiod to myePayWindow/Payslip portal

It would be great to have a bulk payslip upload functionality to payslip portal. It's time consuming and backward having to send one by one per employee.Thank you!
Guest 6 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

permanent narratives on payslips

I want to add a narrative on all employee payslips every month, there should be a way to do this without adding a note to each employees payslip individually each payrun.
Lyn Yaxley 6 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Payslip for each employee

System automatically generating separate individual payslip for each employee on a separate PDF file
Guest 9 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Email payslip name customisation

On email payslips, we would like to be able to customise the name of the file so this includes both the employee full name and the company name. It appears currently the customisation of these emails is limited.
Guest 11 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Ability to edit the raw HTML of the generated payslip

This feature does not exist, I would like to edit the raw HTML of the payslips. Under settings > payslip customisation.It should be easy to take out table data, and replace with your own wording. For example "Pension Contribution (5% of £XXX)" ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration