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Payslips Templates

We have few clients who likes to show certain additional things on payslips such as tax office info, bank details, NI able pay, pension %. whereas some client does not want show employee address on the payslip. does staffology have facility to acc...
Guest about 1 year ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration


Why on a bureau setting do we still have to put in the username and password for every employer, when surely it would be easier to leave as a default from the bureau (as Earie does currently)
Guest 7 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Payslips 3 to a page and Multi-period payslips

One of the most used reports in Earnie for our clients was 3 to a page payslips for that period. It allows easier and quicker review of payroll whilst saving paper. It would also be extremely useful if there could be a multi-payslip report that ut...
S Mackin 11 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Merge separate accounts for my e pay window.

We have our main payroll system and two Tronc/tips systems. It would be great if we merge the 3 accounts, so on my e pay window staff have one account to view all payslips. Currently employees have to create 3 different accounts and to create diff...
ERYN HARDING 5 months ago in Payslips 2 Acknowledged

Format payslips so they print 2 per A4 page

Format payslips so they print 2 per A4 page, as currently the formatting only works for email across payslips and not for hard copies.
Guest about 1 year ago in Payslips 1 Future consideration

Display Only Items

It would be useful to be able to add display only items to payslips as you could in Earnie IQ
Rebecca Isles 3 months ago in Payslips 1 Future consideration

Show period/ Dates(for part month) back pay relates to

For full transparency, we would like to be able to display a period/ date span of when backpay relates to. This will include when pay lines are summarised. This will have several benefits including: - Clarity for employees which will in turn, redu...
shaun Dellar 4 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Working Days Consideration on Scheduled Payslips

If a pay day falls on the weekend, then by law an employer is required to pay on the Friday before however the automated payslip functionality does not consider this important piece of law and will continue to work on a 7 day pattern. For example,...
Jennefer Willmore 7 months ago in Payslips 1 Acknowledged

Scheduled Payslips - Default Per Pay Run in Company Settings

Off the back of the webinar today, please could the scheduled payslips functionality be built out so you can set a default per pay run so you can set it in advance and it always does the same thing unless intervened with upon finalising the pay ru...
Georgina Richards about 2 years ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration

Auto-calculate holiday pay on payslips for salaried employees

When adding holiday dates on the calendar for salaried employees, it would be good if this automatically calculated the holiday pay and remaining salary on the pay run. Or if you are able to just input how many days holiday they have had in that m...
Guest 8 months ago in Payslips 0 Future consideration