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HMRC Reference on Payments Due List report

Would like the HMRC PAYE reference for the period on the payments due list each period.
Guest 10 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Payments Required Report

This report if ran prior to finalising payroll shows HMRC Payments which is just a total of all EEs deductions, so not actually true "HMRC Payment" amount. When this Report is ran after finalising payroll it doesn't show HMRC payments at all - Can...
Stacey Hendry 7 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Tags report

The tags seem a bit pointless at the moment as they don't do much. Perhaps create a gross costing report which you can sort by tag. This would be really useful for us and our clients.
Charlotte Sewell over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Will not implement

A client with several pension providers, would be nice to see this on all one report, rather than saving a separate for each provider..

A client with several pension providers, would be nice to see this on all one report, rather than saving a separate for each provider.
Jo Thrupp 11 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Leave Date added to Loans Report

Could a leave date be added to the loans report, whilst this is a useful report the leave date would make it eaiser to filter and use for reporting.
Guest 7 months ago in Reports 0 Planned

Create a Payment Element Detail Summary Report as per 12pay

The Payment Detail report in 12pay gives you the monthly summary of all categories such as Basic Pay/NI/PAYE/Pension/Expenses etc of all employees which is a massive help for the wages journal if you are splitting the journal by department
Mark Griffiths 8 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add direct debit option on the method to pay HMRC

Many of my clients set direct debit payment on PAYE and NI payment to HMRC. However, this is not an option on staffology. So the "payment required" report can only show Credit as the payment method, which is easy to make the client confused. It is...
Guest 8 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Gross to Net Reporting

Report should detail all Pay Codes used in the period pay run, in separate columns (at present Other deductions) lumps values together on the report.
Matthew Gillett 12 months ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Summary of RTI outstanding/Errors accross multiple employers

When processing payrolls for multiple employers it would be useful to see a list of RTI's outstanding. Also, where you have multiple employers on 'auto pilot' there is no notification if an RTI has failed without you going into each employer to ch...
Katie Dilloway over 1 year ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Exclude Leavers from the 'Holiday Pay Accruals - Hrs' report

Terminated employees continue to show on the 'Holiday Pay Accruals - Hrs' report, we would only require the leave balances for current employees. Please have the option to exclude leavers from the current leave balance reports.
Guest 9 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration